About Us
About Us
we pride ourselves in representing Iranian inventors and top managers at international exhibitions around the world.
We are here to provide a business platform for Inventors to present their latest products and innovations and exchange information with likeminded people internationally, along with competitions to be won and recognised internationally which also brings together many participants and inventions in many diverse areas.

We are also fortunate to be the offical delegate in many international countries like Thailand Science Park, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE), Innova Brussels, Innova Barcelona, Innova Croatia, Innova Valencia,IBS Poland, ITE Expo London, WIIPA, Macao Innovation & Invention Association, Euroinvent Romania, obtaining the national awards for example; Chevalier, Officer, Grand officer honoured at European Union, conferences in Gas, Oil Industry, Banking, Insurance, finance to name some.
We are looking forward to working with you and your organisation in the near future.
January 2010
- Obtaining the national awards e.g. Chevalier, Officer and Grand Officer
- Organising memorandum of cooperation between universities
- Official delegate of Innova Brussels International Show
- Official delegate of Innova Barcelona International Show
- Official delegate of IBS (Poland) International Show
- Official delegate of Thailand Science Park Events
- Official delegate of France Exhibition International Show
- Official delegate of Malaysia Technology Expo, MTE
- Official delegate of ITE Expo London International Expo
- Official delegate of Innova Croatia International Expo
- Official delegate of Euroinvent Romania International Expo
- Official delegate of Macao Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of China Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of Japan Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of Turkey Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of Cyprus Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of Saudi Arabia Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of India Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of Taiwan Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of UAE Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of USA Innovation and Inovation Association
- Official delegate of Russia Innovation and Inovation Association
B2B & Workshops
how to bring your invention from an idea to life, how you can patent your Invention and bring your invention to the market